Build on Firm Foundations
One of the most critical elements of being a well-informed citizen is understanding our Founding.
It is important that we get back to basics and realize that our Founding documents provide not only an outline for the longevity of our great Nation but also a roadmap to our success. Unfortunately, educating ourselves on important Federal and State documents has been downplayed and is often considered an afterthought. Examples of some of these important documents are:
the Constitution
the Declaration of Independence
the meaning of our Pledge of Allegiance
the Republican platform and creed
our State Laws
the State and County GOP Rules
Robert’s Rules of Order
Greenville Patriot Caucus aims to correct this. By focusing on the facts and guidelines laid out by these documents, we can become a more educated citizenry and better equipped with the knowledge needed to “right the ship” and combat tyranny wherever it is found.
“Educate and inform the whole mass of the People…They are the only reliance for the preservation of our Liberty.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Building on these firm foundations will set us in the right direction, and allow us to focus on protecting and preserving our God-given Rights as recognized by the Constitution. It will help us be better prepared and confident when discussing issues we care about most - whether with fellow citizens or representatives. Most importantly, it will provide a common ground starting point, enhance our sense of accountability, and supply a compass to guide the Greenville Patriot Caucus members in all that we do.
Check out our Education Page and Calendar of Events to start your journey toward becoming a well-informed citizen!
Get to Know Your Representatives
In order to keep our Republic, we as voting citizens have a responsibility to be well-informed.
The weight of electing the best candidate rests on our shoulders, and given the political landscape we find ourselves in, knowing which one is the best can sometimes be a challenge. The news does not always do a good job of informing citizens of upcoming local elections or providing the facts about a candidate’s stance on important issues and policies. And before you know it, a not-so-great candidate is elected to office and negatively impacting your daily life.
Building bridges and creating open lines of communication with your representatives is extremely important - after all, they were elected to represent YOU! Your voice deserves to be heard.
Greenville Patriot Caucus encourages citizens to research your representatives, know their voting record, and know where they stand on the issues you care about most. Being prepared and well-informed will allow you to have a more educated conversation with them and potentially have more influence.
In the digital age, bringing legislators, voting records, sponsored bills, committees, and upcoming sessions closer to the citizens by way of easily accessible applications is a game changer. Please consider downloading the SC Legislature App on your mobile phone and book mark the page on your PC so that you can follow your legislators and begin educating yourself on your elected representatives.
In addition to the resources above, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the website scvotes.gov. It’s an invaluable resource for registering to vote, checking your voter registration, identifying your elected representatives, and finding a sample ballot to use in preparation for Primary and General Election days. If you have any questions trying to navigate these sites, feel free to reach out to us at info@GreenvillePatriotCaucus.com!
Learn the Political Landscape
Part of being a well-informed citizen is understanding the political landscape.
Each state is broken down into districts and those districts contain counties. Furthermore, counties are broken down into precincts. In Greenville County alone there are 151 precincts. This is the most basic level of local government and is the best place for citizens to get involved.
Getting involved with your local precinct can include being a precinct member or being elected as a precinct committeeman. Becoming a precinct committeeman means you will represent your precinct as a voting member at local GOP meetings.
Dan Shultz has a wonderful website that explains all of this in more detail: Home - Precinct Strategy. We encourage you to do research and learn more about this local political landscape. Then take the step toward making a difference by becoming an active precinct member.
Greenville Patriot Caucus aims to provide the support needed to make your first step toward political involvement a successful one.
Members can learn more about precincts and how to become a precinct committee member by reaching out to info@GreenvillePatriotCaucus.com. One of our GPC representatives will reach out to you and give you the resources you need to make a difference in your precinct and local government.