Greenville Patriot Caucus members are vital to producing Local Impact through Local Involvement.
A quick and easy way to make a difference is through Calls-to-Action.
Members are considered VIP participants for urgent Calls-to-Action and will receive notifications such as “Contact Your Legislators” or “Email Your School Board”.
You can help us apply pressure when it matters most!
Campaigning for Conservative Candidates is another crucial way for Greenville Patriot Caucus members to get involved locally and make a difference.
General Elections often drive the most voter turnout due to their notoriety, but PRIMARY ELECTIONS set the stage for a successful General Election. Members can sign up to participate in conservative campaign efforts for both.
Greenville Patriot Caucus strives to empower members with the knowledge and tools needed to increase voter turnout. During Primary Elections our campaign efforts will be aimed at helping conservative candidates win a place on the General Election ticket. During General Elections our campaign efforts will be aimed at getting those conservative candidates across the finish line. This provides the groundwork needed to shift our representative bodies in a more conservative direction.
Your help is vital to success!
Volunteer with GPC
The more the merrier! Greenville Patriot Caucus partners with many like-minded conservative groups, local non-profits, and community services to raise awareness around important issues impacting our local community.
It takes many helping hands and smiling faces to pull off a successful event.
Members can sign up to lend their time, passion, and talents to events that matter most to them.
We need YOU!