August 2024 Newsletter
Thanks, Branch & Officer Updates, and What’s Next
We hope you all had a great summer! So many things have happened since we last posted a newsletter, but we could not fail to give God thanks for His protection of President Trump in July. We urge you to continue to keep him and our nation in prayer as we approach the November election.
Branch Updates
The GPC Branches were hard at work these past 6+ months. Here's what they've been up to.
Legislative Branch: Attended weekly update calls with the SC Freedom Caucus, tracked legislation, connected regularly with our SC House and Senate reps, worked with other conservative groups to understand bills and how citizens could get involved, and worked with the Communication & Calls-To-Action Branch to create our CTAs. Branch leads have also been making contacts this summer with their SCFC Fire Team leads in prep for the 2025 Legislative session!
Campaigning for Conservative Candidates Branch: Worked super hard to gather information on all Primary candidates for each race in Greenville County and put together a Greenville County Voter Guide that was shared widely before the Primary Election. We got lots of feedback on how helpful this guide was and how to make it better. We've already started refining our process so it will be even better going forward. They are currently focused on vetting and helping conservative candidates for the Greenville County School Board races that will be voted on in November. Be looking out for more information on that soon!
Communication & Calls-To-Action (CTA) Branch: Worked with the Legislative Branch to send out CTA information weekly during the Legislative session. Encouraged folks weekly on social media to get involved in Primary candidate campaigns, posted opportunities to meet any candidate that requested we share their events, updated the website to include our Voter Guide page, and put out a summer newsletter.
Events & Engagement Branch: Our fearless Branch Lead had surgery right before the Primary election, but she still managed to pull off a great Post-Primary R&R get together at Southern Growl Brewery. We had so many folks show up that we ran out of seats! She also held two contests to see if anyone could predict Trump or Kamala's running mate. So far we are 0-0 for winners of her contests!
Huge thanks to all of you who have worked so tirelessly to make the goals of GPC a reality! You are Advancing Liberty Together and we're so proud to serve alongside you.
Officer Updates
This summer we accepted the resignation of our Secretary, Lisa Bracewell, so she could begin her campaign to hopefully represent Greenville County School Board District 17. If you haven't checked out her Facebook page please take a minute to do so here. Follow her and see how you can help her campaign! Lisa, we are so grateful for all your service to GPC and are proud of you for making the choice to fight for the children of Greenville County in this way!
Lisa Bracewell, candidate for Greenville County School Board District 17
As we told you about in our June newsletter, some of our officers met with the leaders of other conservative groups in our area. Our goal is to build relationships and foster an environment where we can partner Together to Advance Liberty as we work towards the General Election and beyond! We really enjoyed fellowshipping with so many patriots who love our nation/county and dream with them about all we can accomplish together. We look forward to continuing these conversations and bringing those plans to you in the future!
What’s Coming Next
In light of our commitment to work with other conservatives in our county to Advance Liberty Together, we are excited to announce that we are partnering with WORD 98.9, Fourth District Republican Club, and Young Greenville Club to host the next Presidential Debate Watch Party at Willy Taco (217 Laurens Rd. Greenville). The event will begin at 8 pm and the debate will start at 9 pm. Alan Wilson will be present and will have an interesting perspective to provide as our state Attorney General, a position Ms. Harris once held in California. This one promises to be just as fun as the last, so we hope to see many of you there!
Finally, by now most of you have heard about the Sales Tax Referendum question that will be on the ballot in November. This is a complex issue and we felt it was important for GPC to be part of helping educate the public so they can make a well informed decision when they vote. So our next meeting will be to host a Public Forum at the Hughes Main Library on Wednesday October 9th from 6:30-8 pm. We have invited all the current council members and all the Republican council members elect to attend.
We look forward to a respectful discussion with both sides of the issue being presented. Forum attendees will be able to ask their questions of all council members and we're honored to have Charlie James as our moderator once again. Registration is not required, so please share this educational event with your friends and contact.
Summer fun is done and we're back in the saddle now...but we're still going to have a great time! We have a Republic to Keep Together and a big Election to win in November.
If you're interested in getting involved and joining any of our Branches, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!